
New procedure would turn your Brown eyes blue

Ok we got some exciting news here. I usually heard peoples talking regarding the colors of their eyes like I will look awesome if i have blue colored eyes but that wasn't possible till you take another birth with blue eyes, But now science done it for you again (fulfilling the human dreams).

Eyes, the windows to the soul -
It's obvious many people's answer would flip. But one doctor thinks his method will attract a following. Gregg Homer, a California doctor, says he's worked 10 years to perfect a laser treatment that can irreversibly turn brown eyes blue.
Homer believes that the eyes are the "window to the soul," with blue being a preferred hue that looks less opaque than darker colors. In essence, he says, blue eyes allow others to look more deeply into them.

How will they do it?
Here's how the "20-second long" laser procedure works: A computer scans the iris and uses a laser to disrupt the brown pigment on the surface of the eye. Since blue pigment lies beneath the brown pigment, removing the outer layer of melanin can reveal a bluer look behind it. Since the brown pigment is damaged and will not regenerate, Homer says, the eye removes it naturally, according to one BBC article. Between two and three weeks later, the pigment lightens up, eventually transforming brown eyes to blue.

When you burn the brown pigment away with a laser, the debris that is created in the front of the eye -- think of it as ashes resulting from burning anything -- is likely to clog up the microscopic channels in the front of the eye, known as trabecular meshwork, [It] is very likely to cause a high pressure in the eye, known as glaucoma.

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